I’ll be the first to say that having a reading in December is likely not a good month to lure people to the local libraries. That said, the handful of people who showed up at two events came with thoughtful questions and comments during the Q&A portion of the event. I read on a Sunday afternoon, December 6th, at the main branch of the Berkeley Public Library. I met Suzanne Lo, librarian at City College of San Francisco, and we’re discussing having a reading at City College in the spring.

On Tuesday evening, December 8th, I gave a reading in my hometown library, El Cerrito. A handful of friends showed up, which was nice, and the other handful were community members who knew about the strike and boycott, and therefore, asked some really good questions. What was nice, too, about this event was that my reading drew in some people who were in the library for other reasons. So the small crowd grew a little. A retired librarian came up to talk with me, as did some of the community members.

These two events concluded my big run at readings since the first one in Delano in early September. I’ll be gearing up again after the New Year, having taken a break during the holidays, and firming up readings that I’ve committed to in 2016.
Until then, Happy holidays and remember where your fruits and vegetables come from!